Part of the team
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Would you like to become part of our team – on a permanent or temporary basis? And are you:
  • An early riser – we start the day at 7 a.m.
  • Good at manual work
  • Able to think ahead
  • Neat and tidy
  • Fond of job rotation to make the day varied
  • Willing to work a bit harder during holiday seasons so everybody can leave early
  • Looking forward to co-operating with other nice colleagues
  • Flexible about working hours – you could also work part-time
  • Loyal to your collegues and the company
  • Not dependant on public transportation
  • And, last but not least, are you generally happy and have a good sense of humour?


Then you have a really good chance of getting a job at Legro. We can not guarantee that we need staff/temps at this very moment but we will definitely sign you up.

If you need accommodation, we may be able to offer you a room with access to bathroom and kitchen. You would have to share with three others and you would need to sign up for at least six months. Salary is according to the present Danish collective agreement.

Interested? You are welcome to contact us at the following address:

Legro Gartneri A/S
Sognevejen 14
2690 Karlslunde

Tlf. (+45) 46 15 17 33

About Legro

Food Service
