Oreganum vulgare
Oregano is an essential ingredient in the Italian kitchen, and is used in everything from meat dishes to tomato sauces and soups, and in a tasty Greek salad. And on your favourite pizza, of course.

Recipes with oregano
Oregano is used particularly in Italian dishes. Try it in pizza, casseroles, soups, tomato sauce and Greek salad.
Oregano is ideal for vegetarian dishes and good as a garnish on braised potatoes. It can even be used in bread.
It is also used in a bouquet garni.
The plant grows wildly in meadows and fields in Europe.
Medical use
The plant has antiseptic effects and is supposed to relief coughing if you put the leaves in hot water and inhale the steam.
It is also used to relieve rheumatism, swelling or muscle cramps.